photo by Lara Agnew

photo by Lara Agnew

Canewater Farm is a Certified Organic family farm located in Teton Valley, Idaho.  We are nestled in the foothills of the Snake River Range between Pole Canyon and Smith Canyon.  We have a deep love for our ecosystem, community, and farm.  We feel lucky to call this valley home.

We manage 13 acres. This land is comprised of mixed vegetables, flowers, open space, and farm infrastructure. We utilize two greenhouses for seedling production. We also extend our growing season with the help of two hoop houses. We grow a diverse mix of organic vegetables and cut flowers for three weekly farmers markets. We deliver weekly to over 25 restaurants and retail stores throughout the Tetons. We do this with the help of six wonderful employees and a handful of incredible volunteers.  We are very grateful for their commitment and hard work.  Many of our former crew & managers have gone on to start their own farms.

We are of course certified organic. We use low tillage methods to reduce weed populations. We use compost and organic fertilizers to aid in fertility. We hope to utilize more cover crops as we continue to learn how to best manage our land. We lease our farmland in hopes of one day owning it. We use solar to help offset our farms power supply. We use water catchment systems to service our buildings and pack facility. We donate 1% of gross revenue every year to local nonprofits. We are proud of all our efforts, but realize we can always do better.

 We are committed to protecting our farmland and encouraging biodiversity. We aim to foster a healthy and fair work environment for employees. Lastly, we love growing delicious food for our community. We are a small farm. We know we cannot make large scale change alone, but we believe we can be a part of a larger movement of small farms making a significant impact. We understand that farming is a form of activism. We are taking small steps towards positive change.  Wendell Berry sums up why we farm, stating, " ...the care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope."  

About Us


Emmalou Bird Rivers: Carrot harvest manager


Rowan Rivers: Seedling destroyer and tractor ear protection manager


Waylon Rivers: Vegetable stomper and vole detail.

Ansley West Rivers: Ansley is the farm’s photographer and graphic designer.  She grows beautiful flowers for the farm that are sold at our weekly farmers markets.

Rafe Rivers: Rafe runs the farm along with the farm manager. He feels extremely lucky to call this beautiful nook in the valley home. Not a day passes without gratitude for the ability to farm in this wonderful place. Rafe loves building relationships with local restaurants and customers at farmers markets. He is best known for rocking late night music in the wash stand, dawn patrol mowing sessions, and tractor work with his kids on his lap. He doesn't love winter snow removal detail but feels it's worth it to have all the snow to ski with his family and friends. He loves growing and eating Italian chicories. Most of all, he relishes every minute with the love of his life and two incredible kiddos on the farm.